The Director of Tanzania Tourist Board Peter Mwenguo.

The United Republic of Tanzania will host the fifth International African Diaspora Heritage Trial (ADHTH) Conference, October 25- 30, in Dar es salaam and Zanzibar, marking the first time it has convened on the continent of Africa.
The conference title, “An Africa home coming: Exploring the origin of African Diaspora and transforming Culture Heritage Assets into Tourism Destinations,” celebrates the linkages of people of African descent from throughout the world. The Tanzanian government is planning a series programs, events and tours showcasing the vast heritage tourism products and potential of their historic nation.
A highlight of the fall conference will be the launch of Tanzania’s new heritage trail, “ The Ivory and Slave Route”. This route provides a first – ever journey to sites, towns and terrain retracing the Arab Slave Trade in Tanzania and East Africa where more than five million Africans were captured, enslaved and shipped to the Middle East , India, Asia and West , many perishing before reaching their final destination.
Danny Glover, actor, producer and honorary chair of the ADHT Conference observes: “By convening the ADHT Conference in Tanzania, we will offer a rare glimpse into the Arab Slave Trade of Eastern Africa, a major part of worldwide enslavement of Africans that many of us in the West are not familiar with. From the Slave Markets of Bagamoyo ( translated: Point of despair) to the slave chambers of Mwangapwane Beach, our delegates will be able to barbarity of slavery and cerebrate the struggle for liberation that is also a part of Tanzania’s rich tradition”.
The African Diaspora Heritage Trail Conference is open to the public and especially designed for educational, governmental and tourism professional.
Karibu Travel & Tourism Fair, Arusha June 5 - 7, 2009, http://www.karibufair.com/
50th Anniversary: Discovery of the Early Man "Zinjanthropus boisei” at Olduvai Gorge, August 17, 2009
Zanzibar International Film Festival June 27-July 4, 2009, http://www.ziff.org/
TANZANIA TOURIST BOARD, Box 2485, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tel: +255 22 2111244/5

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