wakati shindano kubwa la Miss Word linakaribia kufanyika nchini Afrika kusini ambapo Tanzania tunawakilishwa na Miss Tanzania Nasreem tayari washindi wa Miss Word Beach Beauty wamepatikana na walitangazwa jana jijini Durban nchini humo washindi hao ni Tansey Coetzee kutoka Afrika kusini kushoto, Espinoza Anagabriela wa Mexco katikati na KseniaSukhinova wa Urusi kulia wakiwa wamepozi katika picha na mavazi ya Ufukweni.
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Saturday, November 29, 2008
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“The creation of the Pan African Business Coalition is a historic event. From now on we will be able speak through one voice for the private sector in Africa. This is a very promising breakthrough towards our ultimate goals.” Richard Kasesela, the new chairman, who was elected during the first Assembly General Meeting, that took place on October 22 and in Maputo, is enthusiastic.
The present’s momentum provides a great opportunity to strengthen the business coalition’s network in Africa. Indeed, the PABC should be a unique driving force in unifying the private sector in the fight against HIV/AIDS throughout Africa.
As of November 2008, the 27 existing business coalitions have joined the PABC throughout Africa, from the different regions northern, southern, eastern, and central Africa.
The PABC will improve collaboration among the African business community, and other national and international bodies. Its new projects show promise, such as the creation of an interactive knowledge center with a central database that will be available to the African and international community. Furthermore, the PABC will strengthen support for research, impact assessments, protection of legal and human rights, access to treatments, and the management of HIV/AIDS.
The new board now consists of the countries Zambia, Mozambique, DRC, Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, Mali and Nigeria, with Namibia acting as a special member. Dina Priso from
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DARAJA linalounganisha nchi ya Tanzania na Msumbiji lijulikanalo kwa jina la ‘Umoja Unity’ linatarajiwa kukamilika Septemba mwakani ili kuwezesha mawasiliano ya kibiashara na watu baina ya nchi hizo.
Hayo yalisemwa jana na Waziri Mkuu wa Msumbiji,Dk. Luisa Dias Diogo wakati wa mkutano wa pamoja na waandishi wa habari ambao pia ulihudhuriwa na Waziri Mkuu wa Tanzania, Mizengo Pinda uliofanyika kwenye hoteli ya Kilimanjaro Kempinski, Dar es Salaam.
Dk. Diogo alisema daraja hilo linagharimu dola za Marekani milioni 30 ambazo kila nchi itachangia nusu ya fedha hizo.
“Ujenzi wa daraja hilo ni kitu muhimu kwetu,kwa kuwa litawanufaisha Watanzania na Wamsumbiji pia si kwa kwa Watanzania na Wamsumbiji hata sehemu nyingine za jirani na nchi hizi,” alisema Dk. Diogo.
Dk. alisema katika mazungumzo yake na Pinda wamekubaliana kwamba kwenye daraja hilo kijengwe kituo kimoja cha ukaguzi cha mipakani ‘One Stop Border Post’ ili kurahisisha mawasiliano ya watu na bidhaa kati ya nchi hizo.
Mawaziri hao pia wamekubaliana kwamba katika kituo hicho kuwepo na huduma nyingine kama vile uhamiaji, forodha, polisi, benki, posta mawasiliano, maji,afya na umeme.
Kwa upande wake, Waziri Mkuu Pinda akizungumzia kuhusu umuhimu wa daraja hilo alisema litasaidia kuimarisha mahusiahano ya kibiashara kati ya nchi hizo.
“Tunaweza tukafanya biashara za aina baina ya Tanzania na Msumbiji. Inaweza kuwa ya vyakula, samaki na bidhaa nyingine kubwa kama vile nguo ndio maana tunafikiri kuwa daraja hili ni kitu muhimu. Tunahitaji kufanya biashara halali kati ya nchi hizi mbili,” alisisitiza Pinda..
Akizungumzia kuhusu ziara yake hapa nchini, Dk, Diogo alisema kwanza anawashukuru Rais Jakaya Kikwete, pamoja na Waziri Mkuu Pinda kwa kupata nafasi ya kuzungumzia zaidi masuala ya ushirikiano kati ya nchi hizo.
Dk. Diogo alisema kwa upande wa kisiasa ushirikiano ni mzuri, lakini kwenye masuala ya kiuchumi yanahitaji kuimarishwa zaidi, ambapo aliitaja miradi ambayo inahitaji kuimarishwa kuwa likiwemo daraja hilo na miradi mingine mipya ya utalii, elimu na uhamiaji.
Friday, November 28, 2008
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Kwa mara nyingine tena mwaka huu Tanzania ilishirika katika maonyesho ya Utalii yajulikanayo kama World Travel Market (WTM) yaliyofanyika jijini London Uingereza kuanzaia 10-13 Novemba mwaka huu Maonyesho haya ni kati ya maonyesho makubwa matatu duniani na mwaka huu yalifanyika katika viwanja vya EXCEL vilivyopo jijini London.
Tanzania iliwakilishwa na ujumbe mzito kutoka Tanzania Bara na Visiwani, ujumbe huo uliongozwa na Mh. waziri wa Mali asili na Utalii Shamsa Mwangunga na taasisi zilizoko chini ya wizara hiyo kama vile Bodi ya Utalii (TTB), Hifadhi ya Taifa (TANAPA) na Mamlaka ya eneo la Hifadhi ya Ngorongoro (NCCA) pia wizara ya Utalii na Biashara na Uwekezaji Zanzibar, Kamisheni ya Utalii Zanzibar na Tasisi zilizoko chini ya kamisheni ya Uwekezaji Zanzibar.
Pia kulikuwa na ujumbe kutoka kampuni binafsi zinazojishughulisha na biashara ya Utalii zipatazo 83 na mwandishi mmoja kutoka chombo binafsi, lakini pia kulikuwa na kundi la muziki wa asilia kutoka Tanzania lijulikanalo kama SISI TAMBALA lililokuwa na wanamuziki 8 na liliweza kuonyesha mambo makubwa katika muziki wa asili ya Tanzania ili kupata matukio mbalimbali yaliyojiri katika maonyesho hayo FULLSHANGWE inakudondoshea matukia katika picha moja kwa moja kutoka UK pata vituuuu!!

Bendi ya Kitoto yenye makazi yake nchini humo ikifanya vitu vyake katika sherehe mara baada ya maonyesho hayo kumalizika
Meneja Masoko wa bodi ya Utalii Tanzania Geofrey Meena kushoto akiwa na Juma Pinto mtanzania ambaye amekuwa mstari wa mbele katika kuutangaza utalii waTanzania nchini uingereza
Katibu mkuu Wizara ya maliasili na Utalii Bi. Blandina Nyoni akizungumza na mkurugenzi wa mkuu wa Bodi ya Utalii Tanzania Bw. Peter Mwenguo katikatika wakati wa maonyesho ya Utalii nchini Uingereza kulia ni Bw. Kashangwa wa Tanzania Trade Centre nchini humo
Katibu mkuu Maliasili na Utalii Bi. Blandina Nyoni kulia na Meneja masoko wa Tanzania Tourist Board Bw. Geofrey Meena kushoto wakiwa na wadau wengine wa mambo ya utalii katika maonyesho hayo.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
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Mchezaji maarufu aliyewahi kuichezea Simba Sports Club, APR ya Rwanda na ambaye kwa sasa alikuwa akiichezea timu ya Azam FC Club inayoshiriki ligi ya Vodacom Boniface Pawasa (Baba Ubaya ) amejiunga na chuo cha biashara CBE mwezi mmoja uliopita ili kutafuna Nondoz katika chuo hicho kilichopo Wilaya ya Ilala.
Akizungumza na FULLSHANGWE ilipomtembelea chuoni hapo Pawasa amesema kwa sasa umri wake umeenda anahitaji kutengeneza maisha mapya na yenye malengo ya baadae na ndiyo maana ameamua kufuata nyayo za wachezaji wenzake waliopita kwa kujiendeleza kielimu.
Pawasa amesema kwa sasa anasomea mambo ya utawala wa biashara ambapo atakuwa chuoni hapo kwa mwaka mmoja akisomea cheti katika fani ya utawala wa biashara yaani BA, ameongeza kuwa akimaliza anatarajia kuendelea na elimu yake ya Diploma mpaka atakapokamata digrii yake ya kwanza hapo ndiyo ataangalia afanye nini.
Pawasa amesema kuwa pamoja na kwamba kocha wa timu yake ya Azam Santos anamuhitaji ili arejee kundini kuipigania timu yake katika mzunguko wa pili wa ligi ya Vodacom hataweza kurejea tena kwa sababu pia ana maumivu ya misuli ambayo yatamchukua muda mrefu kupona hivyo ameona asipoteze muda kusubiri apone wakati anaweza kufanya kitu kingine cha maendeleo.
Amewashukuru wachezaji wenzake kwa kumpokea chuoni hapo na anasema kwa sasa anafurahia sana maisha ya chuoni kwani rafiki zake wa karibu Ally Mayay, Aron Nyanda na Wilfred Kidilu wamempokea na wanampa sapoti ya hali ya juu na kama wao wameweza kwa nini yeye ashindwe "najua nitaweza tu na nitasoma kama nilivyojiwekea malengo yangu"anamaliza Baba Ubaya.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
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Balozi wa burundi nchini Mh. Leandre A. Bagengwanubusa leo alikuwa mgeni rasmi katika uzinduzi wa shindano la Miss East Africa linalotarajiwa kufanyika 19 Desemba mwaka huu jijini Bujumbura nchini Burundi.
Akizungumza katika uzinduzi huo uliofanyika katika hoteli ya Kilimanjaro Kempiski balozi huyo amesema kwa sasa Burundi ni nchi ya amani sana na ili kuonyesha hilo hata viongozi wa waasi kama Agusto Loasa amerejea nyumbani ili kuendeleza nchi yake
Amewakaribisha waandishi wa habari kutembelea Burundi ili kujionea hali halisi ya utulivu ilivyo kwa sasa, ameongeza kuwa ana imani warembo watakaoshiriki katika shindano hilo watapata fulsa nzuri ya kutangaza utamaduni wa nchi zao kupitia shindano hilo.
Nae mkurugenzi wa kampuni ya Lena Event inayoratibu shindano hilo Bw. Lena Calist amesema tayari nchi kadhaa zimeshapata wawakilishi wake na zingine mpaka tarehe 1 mwezi ujao zitakuwa tayari zimewasilisha majina ya washiriki wao.
Amezitaja nchi hizo kuwa ni Reunion, Djibout, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Comorrow, Seachelis na Somalia.
Mshindi wa kwanza katika shindano hilo ataibuka na Gari aina ya Lexus-Rx300 lenye thamani ya dollar 35.000 na mshindi wa pili atapata dollar 5.000 na zawadi zingine lukuki kwa washindi wengine watakaofuatia pia kutakuwa na kifutajasho cha dollar 300 kwa wale watakaoishia hatua za awali.
Bw. Lena Calist ameongeza kuwa pia kutakuwa na Magari mawili mengine ambayo ni Range Rover Vogue na Toyota Lav 4 ambayo watu mbalimbali watacheza Bahati nasibu ili kushindania Zawadi hizo ambapo pesa zitakazopatikana zitakuwa ni kwa ajili ya kusaidia watoto yatima wa Burundi
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November 2008
Last night (Sunday November 23), amidst cheering fans and glittering confetti in an electric atmosphere, M-Net’s Big Brother Africa 3 came to a dramatic end after 91 days when Angolan Ricco Venancio was voted to victory by the show’s fans. In a 2-hour finale screened live across the continent on DStv, and featuring performances by gorgeous Jamaican superstars Brick and Lace, the 21-year-old from Luanda scooped the big prize, walking off with a hefty USD 100 000!
From the minute it began the Final of Big Brother Africa 3 looked set to provide an exciting finish to a rollercoaster drama that has kept audiences entertained and engaged for over three months. Kicking off the action were the duo of Brick and Lace, who got the party started with their hit single Never Never!
Then audiences got the chance to catch up with last week’s ninth Big Brother Africa evictee Tawana as she headed home to Botswana for a press conference and her eviction party in Gaborone. Fans also got the opportunity to see South African housemate Thami head onto the dance floor at his eviction party held earlier in the month in Johannesburg.
In addition, last night’s Final recapped the highlights from the series including the Big Brother Africa swap with Finland that saw Zimbabwe’s Munya head off to Europe as Finnish Johan arrived in a ‘snowy’ African house specially prepared for him by Big Brother.
Also featured was the memorable ‘Rubbish Dump’ surprise of week three as Latoya and Tawana found themselves isolated in a Rubbish Dump as they waited to hear which one of them would leave the Big Brother house. Other highlights on the third season of the series included the first ever wedding in Big Brother Africa, the inclusion of older guest housemate Richard Fondom from Cameroon, a special United Nations driven task to promote a greater understanding of the Millennium Development Goals, as well as a ‘fake eviction’ which saw Morris and Thami return to the Big Brother Africa house just moments after leaving it.
Meanwhile, as the series drew to a close, the twelve Big Brother Africa guest presenters said their farewells to the continent whilst audiences were also treated to a last dose of ‘diary room gems’. Also included in the Final was a quick whip around the continent as fans showed that support for Hazel, Munya and Ricco seemed evenly split.
Then, heading onto the Big Brother Africa stage for the very last time, were the nine previously eliminated housemates. Latoya, TK, Lucille, Mimi, Morris, Sheila, Tawana, Thami and Uti, took to the spotlight to take questions from series host KB Ngakane about their time in the house, punctuating their answers with good humor and smiles.
However the Final was all about one question…who would win Big Brother Africa 3?
That question began to be answered when Zimbabwe’s Munya became the tenth person evicted from the show after voting lines closed at 20:00 CAT. Then, as Brick and Lace took to the stage again, with a change of clothing and their crowd-pleasing anthem Love is Wicked, the tension began to rise.
When the time came for the winner announcement, auditing firm Alexander Forbes were on hand to deliver the voting results for KB to announce. The host soon revealed that the results were evenly split with Hazel and Ricco each receiving exactly 6 country votes apiece. Ricco received six votes from Angola, Ghana, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania and the Rest of Africa. Hazel also got six votes from Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia.
Following the format rules of Big Brother Africa, the auditing firm then consolidated the collective percentages that Hazel and Ricco had each received. At that time, host KB crossed live back into the Big Brother Africa house to make the big announcement. Waiting a few breathless moments, KB announced that it was Ricco who was Africa’s winner!
As Hazel headed outside, she was met by her mom and the cheering approval of the crowd. Then it was time for a thrilled Ricco to head outside as fans roared their support and his family, including his mother, welcomed him back into the world outside the Big Brother doors!
Commenting on the dramatic final, M-Net Channel Director Africa Biola Adekanbi said, “Big Brother Africa is all about drama, excitement and action. M-Net wishes to congratulate all the housemates on their stay in the Big Brother house and especially Ricco as he heads back home with 100 000 reasons to celebrate. Meanwhile M-Net would like to take this opportunity to re-affirm it’s commitment to creating entertaining pan-African programming and we look forward to the M-Net Face of Africa 2008 Finale, to be held next weekend.”
With Big Brother Africa 3 now complete, M-Net audiences are encouraged to tune in on Saturday November 29 to witness the M-NET FACE OF AFRICA FINALE, live from Sun City in Johannesburg.
November 2008
Last night (Sunday November 23), amidst cheering fans and glittering confetti in an electric atmosphere, M-Net’s Big Brother Africa 3 came to a dramatic end after 91 days when Angolan Ricco Venancio was voted to victory by the show’s fans. In a 2-hour finale screened live across the continent on DStv, and featuring performances by gorgeous Jamaican superstars Brick and Lace, the 21-year-old from Luanda scooped the big prize, walking off with a hefty USD 100 000!
From the minute it began the Final of Big Brother Africa 3 looked set to provide an exciting finish to a rollercoaster drama that has kept audiences entertained and engaged for over three months. Kicking off the action were the duo of Brick and Lace, who got the party started with their hit single Never Never!
Then audiences got the chance to catch up with last week’s ninth Big Brother Africa evictee Tawana as she headed home to Botswana for a press conference and her eviction party in Gaborone. Fans also got the opportunity to see South African housemate Thami head onto the dance floor at his eviction party held earlier in the month in Johannesburg.
In addition, last night’s Final recapped the highlights from the series including the Big Brother Africa swap with Finland that saw Zimbabwe’s Munya head off to Europe as Finnish Johan arrived in a ‘snowy’ African house specially prepared for him by Big Brother.
Also featured was the memorable ‘Rubbish Dump’ surprise of week three as Latoya and Tawana found themselves isolated in a Rubbish Dump as they waited to hear which one of them would leave the Big Brother house. Other highlights on the third season of the series included the first ever wedding in Big Brother Africa, the inclusion of older guest housemate Richard Fondom from Cameroon, a special United Nations driven task to promote a greater understanding of the Millennium Development Goals, as well as a ‘fake eviction’ which saw Morris and Thami return to the Big Brother Africa house just moments after leaving it.
Meanwhile, as the series drew to a close, the twelve Big Brother Africa guest presenters said their farewells to the continent whilst audiences were also treated to a last dose of ‘diary room gems’. Also included in the Final was a quick whip around the continent as fans showed that support for Hazel, Munya and Ricco seemed evenly split.
Then, heading onto the Big Brother Africa stage for the very last time, were the nine previously eliminated housemates. Latoya, TK, Lucille, Mimi, Morris, Sheila, Tawana, Thami and Uti, took to the spotlight to take questions from series host KB Ngakane about their time in the house, punctuating their answers with good humor and smiles.
However the Final was all about one question…who would win Big Brother Africa 3?
That question began to be answered when Zimbabwe’s Munya became the tenth person evicted from the show after voting lines closed at 20:00 CAT. Then, as Brick and Lace took to the stage again, with a change of clothing and their crowd-pleasing anthem Love is Wicked, the tension began to rise.
When the time came for the winner announcement, auditing firm Alexander Forbes were on hand to deliver the voting results for KB to announce. The host soon revealed that the results were evenly split with Hazel and Ricco each receiving exactly 6 country votes apiece. Ricco received six votes from Angola, Ghana, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania and the Rest of Africa. Hazel also got six votes from Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia.
Following the format rules of Big Brother Africa, the auditing firm then consolidated the collective percentages that Hazel and Ricco had each received. At that time, host KB crossed live back into the Big Brother Africa house to make the big announcement. Waiting a few breathless moments, KB announced that it was Ricco who was Africa’s winner!
As Hazel headed outside, she was met by her mom and the cheering approval of the crowd. Then it was time for a thrilled Ricco to head outside as fans roared their support and his family, including his mother, welcomed him back into the world outside the Big Brother doors!
Commenting on the dramatic final, M-Net Channel Director Africa Biola Adekanbi said, “Big Brother Africa is all about drama, excitement and action. M-Net wishes to congratulate all the housemates on their stay in the Big Brother house and especially Ricco as he heads back home with 100 000 reasons to celebrate. Meanwhile M-Net would like to take this opportunity to re-affirm it’s commitment to creating entertaining pan-African programming and we look forward to the M-Net Face of Africa 2008 Finale, to be held next weekend.”
With Big Brother Africa 3 now complete, M-Net audiences are encouraged to tune in on Saturday November 29 to witness the M-NET FACE OF AFRICA FINALE, live from Sun City in Johannesburg.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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Mwanamuziki maarufu na wa siku nyingi Malou Stonch ambaye aliwahi kutamba na Bendi ya Stono Musica kwa sasa amerejea kwa nguvu mpya katika bendi ya FM ACADEMIA na amesema tayari katika Albam mpya ya bendi hiyo atakuwa na wimbo utakaojulikana kwa jina la (Panadol).
Malou Stonch ameyasema hayo wakati alipoongea na tovuti ya FULLSHANGWE katika mtaa wa Samora jijini leo, Malou amesema kwamba maana ya Panadol katika wimbo huo ni mapenzi yaani wanaume wanahangaika sana katika kutafuta maisha siku zote wanakumbana na vikwazo vingi .
Lakini wanawake au wake zao wanaweza kuwatuliza na kuwaliwaza waume zao na kupooza maumizvu yote wanayoyapata kutokana na kazi ngumu za kila siku hivyo nawaomba wanawake wasiwaongezee maumivu waume zao bali wawatulize na kuwapooza maumivu kwa mapenzi mema na maisha katika familia zao yataenda kwa mteremko kabisa.
Akizungumzia mapokezi aliyopewa na wanamuziki wenzake katika bendi hiyo amesema ni mazuri na yanamfurahisha, na anatoa shukurani kwa viongozi wa bendi hiyo kwani wamempokea vizuri sana na wanampa ushirikiano mzuri kitu ambacho kinayafanya mazingira ya kazi yake yawe mazuri sana.
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Friday, November 21, 2008
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